Water at most Hungarian beaches of good quality

The water at most beaches in Hungary has tested “excellent” or “good” by European Union standards, national public health authority NNK said on Friday, adding that there had been issues with water quality at only four locations.

The authority said the overall picture was very good: out of 274 natural beaches where swimming was permitted, 165 had excellent and 64 good water quality, while at six locations the water quality was satisfactory and at four places it was “objectionable”, according to test results from last year.

The water quality of the lakes Balaton, Tisza, and Velence is excellent,

the NNK said, adding that the 27 resorts that had opened for the current season were being monitored.

Natural waters are evaluated based on the amount of bacteria they contain, using at least 16 test results over four years,

the authority said. Holiday makers should consult its website concerning destinations, it added. The authority also warned against swimming at unregistered lakes or rivers whose water quality was not monitored.

Source: MTI

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